バイリンガルで読む日本の昔ばなし Bilingual English and Japanese Edition/YuriYasuda/YoshinobuSakakura/EiichiMitsui/子供/絵本【3000円以上送料無料】

著者YuriYasuda(著) YoshinobuSakakura(画) EiichiMitsui(画)出版社チャールズ・イー・タトル出版発行日2019年ISBN9784805314739ページ数111Pキーワードえほん 絵本 プレゼント ギフト 誕生日 子供 クリスマス 子ども こども ばいりんがるでよむにほんのむかしばなしばいりんがる バイリンガルデヨムニホンノムカシバナシバイリンガル やすだ ゆり さかくら よしの ヤスダ ユリ サカクラ ヨシノ9784805314739内容紹介バイリンガルで読む日本の昔ばなし「したきりすずめ」「かぐや姫」「桃太郎」「金太郎」「ねずみのよめいり」「うらしま太郎」などお馴染みの昔話12 篇を日英対訳でお楽しみいただけます。




These stories are all richly illustrated, with 98 color illustrations by two of Japan's foremost children's books illustrators. Executed with great skill and imagination, they bring to life the charming characters of these heartwarming tales of old Japan.The tales were originally written in English by author Yuri Yasuda based on her interpretations of traditional Japanese stories. Here they are fully bilingual?each one accompanied by Japanese text. The Japanese versions of each tale include simple kanji with furigana pronunciations to help learners recognize the characters.Japanese Myths, Legends & Folktales is accessible to both English and Japanese-speaking children, as well as to older language learners who wish to enhance their reading ability. This multicultural children's book will entertain, inspire, and educate in equal measure.※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。

  • 商品価格:2,200円
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